Basic Policy
ELIA Co., Ltd.(hereafter ELIA) is aware of the importance of the customers’personalinformation protection, complies with laws related to personal information protection activities and endeavor acting with consciousness and responsibility about fair and suitable management. ELIA believes that personal information protection and the customers’ trust in us are our social responsibilities. Therefore, ELIA have implemented the following policies
About the handling of personal informaion
ELIA strives for embodiment of the following principles about the handling of personal information.
1.Collection,utilization and provision of personal information
ELIA acquires personal information after the purpose of use is specified beforehand by legal and a fair means, and uses personal information offered from the customer within the range of the specified purpose of use to develop and to provide a better product and service when personal information is acquired.
2.Disclosure of personal informaion to third party
ELIA doesn’t offer the third party personal information, except when the person in question’s agreement is obtained beforehand or it is provided by law. In achievement for the purpose of use, ELIA performs a required and suitable supervisor to the third party concerned in order to aim at safe management of personal information, when entrusting the handling of personal information to a third party.
3.Proper management of personal information
ELIA executes measures for safety including the information security measures to secure accuracy and the safety of personal information, and executes prevention and the corrective action to prevent the loss of unlawful computer access or personal information, destruction, the falsification, and the leakage surely.
4.Observance of low concerning personal information
The law and the guideline of Act for Protection of Computer Processed Personal Data held by Administrative Organs are observed, and customer’s personal information is taken care of.
5.Maintenance and continual improvment of protection of personal information
ELIA puts together on the revision of the law to have to try to correspond to the change concerning the handling of personal information in the social climate adequately to attempt the protection of personal information and to follow, and tries the continuing improvement and to improve the approach concerning the protection of personal information.
Approach of protection of personal information
1.The enlightening activity to observe a law, other standards, and in-house rules concerning personal information is executed to all directors and employee.
2.ELIA promotes cooperation to aim at protection of personal information to our customer.
3.This basic policy is opened to the public in the shape that the customer can inspect at any time by placing in our Internet homepage.
ELIA Co., Ltd. C.E.O Yoshimi Higuchi
May, 2005